buildHtml baseUrl metaTags editButton /edit.html title Interactive Dot Product Explorer style.css header class hero h1 Dot Product Explorer p Visualize and calculate dot products interactively main section class calculator div class vector-inputs div class vector-a h2 Vector A div class input-group label X component for vecAx input type number id vecAx value 1 div class input-group label Y component for vecAy input type number id vecAy value 0 div class vector-b h2 Vector B div class input-group label X component for vecBx input type number id vecBx value 0 div class input-group label Y component for vecBy input type number id vecBy value 1 section class visualization canvas id dotProductCanvas width 600 height 400 section class result div class result-display h2 Result p span Dot Product: span 0 id dotProductResult p span Angle: span 90° id angleResult footer p Made with ❤️ for mathematics enthusiasts script.js